We work with top dating experts whose main goal is to provide you with all the information you may need to find love in another country. Erika Hartman, the chief author at BridesList.co, inspires the entire team, coordinates the work of all writers and editors, and specializes in coping with problematic behaviors and overcoming cultural differences.
Her right hand, Maria Elizabeth, a love and relationship coach, is more focused on editing content from other authors and giving dating advice for everyone, no matter if you’re looking for love in Vietnam or Ukraine.

The experts we trust
Though our experts have great expertise in dating, and in particular, international dating, we believe that researchers should never focus solely on their own findings. There are experts we trust and follow on social media.
In some cases, we also buy paid consultations or courses from such big coaches as Apollonia Ponti, Adam LoDolce, and Mattew Hussey.
Their blogs, publications, and videos help us discover new interesting topics, reconsider some of our own approaches, and share more diverse expert content with you.
Plans and future growth
We’re making every effort to become the largest, the most popular, and the most trusted information portal with the most relevant information on every aspect of international dating. We want to grow and improve, and that’s what we’re currently focused on:
- Collecting feedback and questions from our readers to provide more information on the topics that seem interesting to them
- Cooperating with marriage lawyers to share more insights on the legal aspects of marrying someone from another country.
- Cooperating with tourist agencies to share the best offers at the lowest prices for those who are going to meet their partners in real life.
- Working with social scientists to see what social trends may affect dating trends in the future.
We are grateful to all our site visitors for making this project launch and existence possible. We appreciate your interest in what we are doing and ask you to keep commenting and sharing our content so more people can see it and learn something new and useful.